
My introduction to juicing began from a life changing recommendation from a friend after suffering from eczema. I had been prescribed every steroid cream out there and nothing seemed to work! It really started to take a toll on my self esteem and I was willing to try anything to fix it at that point. I had a friend that suggested to me that celery juice could be beneficial for my condition, so I figured I had tried everything so I might as well give it a try. That one simple recommendation started it all for me and I have been juicing ever since! Four weeks in being consistent with the celery juice, my eczema pretty much cleared up! I wanted to share my love of juicing with others and created Bea Green Cold Pressed Juice. Our name is inspired by my best friend Honi Bea who unfortunately passed away due to Lupus. We always talked about opening a business together and I know this is something she would have LOVED to do! Bea Green Cold Pressed Juice started as an idea that spiraled into this amazing business that we could’ve never imagined!

Meet the Team

  • Bea Green cold pressed juice San Diego



    Tanya is the Queen Bee at Bea Green Cold Pressed Juice. She handles almost every aspect of the business, while also being a full time mom to 3 kids. Her favorite juice is celery and drinks it every morning!

  • Bea Green cold pressed juice San Diego



    Sage is the Co-Queen Bee of the business. She helped turn her mom’s idea into reality. She is currently obtaining her masters to become a Physician Assistant, but still works the scenes for the business. Her favorite juice is Popeye on Steroids!

  • Bea Green cold pressed juice San Diego

    The Husband


    Our head juicer is in law enforcement so we choose not to provide his personal info but we wanted to give him the recognition he deserves as our head juicer! His favorite juice is Sweet Beet!